Hannah Fraser, Ivan Landau, and Sigur Ros

14 Sep

So Icelandic band Sigur Ros is holding a mystery film experiment contest, inviting film makers and video directors to create an original video for one of the tracks from their new album Valtari. I happen to love Sigur Ros, their haunting sad strange otherworldly music that is, among other things, used so beautifully and wrenchingly at the end of one of my favorite films of all time, Mysterious Skin (see the ending here, tho really you should just go watch the whole film, not to mention read the amazing book by Scott Heim [tho prepare to be completely heartbroken, in the best way]). They’re also really wonderful live, and when I saw them several years back were almost completely in shadow the whole time.

Anyway, you can imagine that such a contest has inspired some gorgeous work, and it so happens that filmmaker Ivan Landau’s entry in said contest stars none other than mermaid extraordinaire Hannah Fraser, both above and below the water. The video itself and the images that have emerged from it are just unbelievably stunning. Look:

And here’s the amazing video itself:

Sigur Rós “Dauðalogn” [Mystery Film Experiment Submission] from Ivan Landau on Vimeo.

Obviously, you should vote for this film immediately, or at least at some point over the next four days before voting ends [the winner of this online vote will become an official selection in Sigur Ros’s Valtari Mystery Film Experiment, one of them being that cool one one with Shia Labeouf you might have seen before]. You can vote here.

And, finally, here’s what Hannah had to say about the experience: “The video was an incredible experience of working with such a talented crew and such a beautiful melting pot of play meets art meets work with a creative purpose.”

Now go vote, on behalf of mermaids everywhere!

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